Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 2

I am almost to week 2 being behind me. I have been eating my creamy liquids and jello and pudding. I do not feel as hungry this week because I am drinking my protein shakes between meal.

I have had a rash all over my stomach all week. I t gets very itchy. I called the surgical center when I found it and they told me to call my PCP. I saw her last Thursday because she is off on Wednesdays. She could not explain it. She told me to take an antihistamine. It does not seem to be helping. I am also spraying it with an anti itch spray. That may last an hour if that.

I can tell I am loosing weight because I see it in my face. That is my friend Kate siting next to me at the beach Karaoke party last Saturday night.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Surgery August 10 , 2010

Well, it took me 11 months to get here. I was not sure I was going to be able ot loose the 12 pounds that I needed to loose to have the surgery. I did every thing else that I was supposed to do. I went to the support groups, to the monthly weigh ins and check in with the nutritionist. I was not loosing the weight, though.
In April, I started going to a diabetic nutritionist. Her name is Anne Stalmash She got me on track. She put me on a new diabetic medication and it seemed to kick start my weight loss.
I finally lost the 12 pounds and was able to make an appointment with the surgeon. I did my research and she is one of the best surgeons in this area. She is at Catholic Medical center in Manchester.
I met with Dr. Campbell and she accepted me as a surgical patient. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!

The day before surgery I was on a clear liquid diet. I made it through it and the next day was no food before surgery. I went in for a 3:30pm surgery. It went well and I was out of anesthesia by 6pm. I left a little after 7. I was quite groggy and went straight to bed.

The next day I was back on a clear liquid diet. They call that Phase 1. I was ready for Phase 2 on my second day home. Now I could eat creamy liquids. I was eating creamed soup...2 tablespoons and sugar free pudding 2 tbsp. For breakfast I had 4 tbsp of cream of wheat.
snacks consisted of 4ounces of protein shakes. I had order peanut butter cookie and chocolate peanut butter fudge from I tasted the flavors at the meeting with the nutritionist at the center at CMC.

I am struggling with eating very slowly and getting enough water in. I should eat my 2 tbsp of creamy food in a time frame of 20 minutes. I am working on getting past 10 minutes. It is a process. I called the surgeons office today because I burp a lot. She said that I am burping possibly because I am eating too fast and the lap band area is still swollen.

It will be a week tomorrow. everyday is a better day. I have lost weight since the surgery and I am hoping that it is not because I am not eating enough.

I also want to mention that I have a very supportive family family. My husband and daughter support me as well as my mother and brother and sister and their families. I also have a great extended family of friends that i rely upon. It does take a village.